Sunday, February 23, 2014

John 4:1-15 - Finding Satisfaction in the Living Waters of Grace

In this sermon, Rev. Chris Vogel looks at John 4:1-15. Jesus requests a drink of water from the woman at Jacob’s Well in Samaria and offers her living water which well up to eternal life. This first glimpse in John 4 reminds us of God’s offer of free grace to all and the benefits we have before us when we takes the promise of the Gospel for ourselves.

Listen Online: John 4:1-15

Read Online: John 4:1-15

Sunday, February 16, 2014

John 3:31-36 - The Testimony of Jesus

In this sermon, Rev. Chris Vogel looks at the final words of John the Baptist in the Gospel of John (John 1:31-36). As the last of the prophets fades from the scene his farewell address calls us to a faithful obedience to Christ. To believe in the Son is to have eternal life, to not obey the Son is not to see life, but the wrath of God remains on him (v36).

Listen Online: John 3:31-36

Read Online: John 3:31-36

Sunday, February 9, 2014

John 3:22-30 - The Answer to a Competitive Christianity

In this sermon, Rev. Chris Vogel takes a look at how John the Baptizer instructs his disciples as to the supremacy of Christ in all things. In John 3:22-30, John’s disciples bemoan the loss of influence as Jesus attracts more attention, to which John utters the great response: “He must increase, but I must decrease.” What we are given is not on the basis of what we think we deserve, but only by God’s gracious hand. This allows us to hold lightly His gifts and to point others to the work of His Son.

Listen Online: John 3:22-30

Read Online: John 3:22-30

Sunday, February 2, 2014

John 3:16-21 - The Heart of the Gospel

In this sermon, Rev. Ben Sinnard looks at John 3:16-21 where we see the heart of the Gospel, the love of the Father to the world. Nicodemus asked in 3:9, "How can these things be?" and Jesus later in 3:15 states, "that whoever believes in him (the Son of Man) may have eternal life." We see in our text further explanation of how these things can be, that in the giving of the Son of Man those who believe in him can have eternal life. We revisit the theme of light and darkness as this gift of the Son divides those who are entrusting themselves to the light with those who want to stay in the darkness fearing the exposure of the light.

Listen Online: John 3:16-21

Read Online: John 3:16-21