Sunday, January 28, 2018

Sustaining Strength Acts 9:20-31

  Today, we continue in the series of Acts as we look at Acts 9:20-31.  After God's pursuit of the most dreaded persecutor of the Christian faith—resulting in the conversion of Saul of Tarsus—we are left wondering what is next? How will this persecutor turned preacher be received among the Christians and used to build God's Kingdom? What does this mean for us? We see in this account that God not only pursues people but strengthens them for his service. Through this passage we will explore the ways in which we too can be strengthened as we live out the Gospel in our own day.

Watch service here:

Read Online: Acts 9: 20-31

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Captured and Captivated Acts 9:1-19

Today in Worship – we continue in the series of Acts as we look at Acts 9:1-19.  This morning we will see, through the conversion of Saul, that God pursues his people, even rescuing his enemies.  God pursues his people, even reconciling those that are at odds with each other.  God pursues his people, even restores his vessels for usefulness in his great commission.  As the message of the Gospel of Jesus has begun reaching more and more of the scattered Hellenists (Greek-speaking Jews) Paul’s conversion marks a new witness, a new missionary, and a reminder that God’s Church will be built and no man, idea, or enemy can thwart that mission of love.

Read Online: Acts 9:1-19


Sunday, January 14, 2018

The End is Only the Beginning| Acts 8:26-40

 In this message, we continue in the series of Acts as we welcome Rev. Chad Baudhuin who is the planting pastor of All Saints Church (PCA) in Green Bay, WI. We will be looking at Acts 8:26-40 as we see the Gospel extending out to further and further. We see one man, Philip, connecting with one man, an Ethiopian, who is being confronted with the reality of Jesus and his finished work on the cross. The Scriptures have been unfolding this from the very beginning and Philip tells of this good news to this man.

Read Online: Acts 8:26-40

Sunday, January 7, 2018

The Gospel vs Magic - Acts 8:9-25

We return to Luke’s Act of the Apostles. Following the stoning of Stephen and the persecution of the church at the hands of Saul, the church expands outside of traditional Jewish boundaries into Samaria. In Acts 8:9-22 Peter confronts Simon, who although he believes, wishes to obtain the power he sees in the Apostles. In this passage we see the conflict and difference between the gospel and magic.

Read Online: Acts 8:9-25