Sunday, April 24, 2016

John 21:15-19, Lives of Restoration

Today in Worship…we will be looking at the text of John 21:15-19. Following from last week, we see Jesus’ last moments on earth being poured into his disciples. This passage focuses specifically on Jesus’ restoration and reinstatement of Peter as an Apostle and shepherd of the sheep. We see the heart of the Gospel in Jesus’ restoring Peter to the office of Apostle and also among the community of disciples. Peter is restored, recommissioned, and charged to follow Christ.

Read Online: John 21:15-19

Watch Video of Sermon:

Sunday, April 17, 2016

John 21: 1-14 Jesus' Provision for the Church

   In this message, we wind down Jesus’ time on earth, as he meets the disciples on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. In John 21:1-14 Peter and many of the other disciples spend a night of fruitless fishing. Jesus’ words of instruction supply them with a bountiful catch. In this final chapter we see the twofold appendix to John’s Gospel, highlighting Jesus call to be fishers of men and shepherds to the sheep. This commission of evangelism and discipleship explain how the resurrection of Christ is the ongoing story of the Church.

Read Online: John 21:1-14

Watch the sermon here:

Sunday, April 3, 2016

John 20:19-23 Peace Be With You

Today in Worship…Christ risen on the first day of the week, having commissioned Mary Magdalene, He then speaks with the disciples who are hiding in fear for their lives. His first words to them are that of peace and then He commissions them to go, empowered by the Holy Spirit, with a message of forgiveness. In John 20:19-23, the words to the disciples ring true for us, having the peace of Christ pronounced to us, the resurrected Christ sends us out telling others of His forgiving grace.

Read Online: John 20:19-23
