Sunday, August 25, 2019

Darkness and the Silent God - Psalm 88

God puts us into the darkness to help us grow in grace. We will learn to pray in the midst of the darkness, comforted that Jesus has suffered ultimate darkness, so we can cry out to him in our own times of darkness.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Envy and God's Sanctuary - Psalm 73

See if you can name someone who never has been jealous. Pretty difficult, eh? We all have been there. We know what it's like to have envy over others -- especially those who we think are worse sinners than we are. Come and find out how Psalm 73 shows us how to place our envy in God's holy temple.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Stubbornness and God's Heavy Hand, Psalm 32

This week in worship: Grief is a tricky emotion. Am I truly broken that I sinned? Or am I upset that I was found out? Or I am just upset that life is so hard? Come, listen and find out how to bring all your grief to God—especially in the times when it feels like God is disciplining you.