Sunday, September 29, 2019

God's Weekly Grace for the Rest of Us - Mark 2:23 - 3:6

Whether we’re spent from a 50+ hour week, trying to keep the house from falling apart or from having to constantly prove ourselves to family, we all could use more rest. In today’s passage, Jesus proves to be the King of rest, but his enemies are too preoccupied with the “law” of rest to marvel at the miraculous renewal he brings. Are they insane!? Probably, but so are we when we prefer to grind our lives away trying to win God’s love, when all we have to do is embrace what he has freely given us.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Experiencing True Healing - Mark 2:1-12

We all need healing! Not just physical healing such as from an illness, but also relational and spiritual healing -- where we are restored to others and to God. Find out what Mark 2:1-12 says about experiencing true healing.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Following Jesus and Gaining Life - Mark 1:14-20, 2:13-17

Jesus is beginning his earthly ministry as he both announces and ushers in the Kingdom of God by proclaiming a message of the Gospel of God, repent and believe, to common fishermen and sinful tax collectors. The Kingdom Jesus brings is that of Life, of healing, and so we, too, can follow him.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Joy and the Missionary God | Psalm 96

Proselytizing is an offensive and perhaps unknown word today. Come, listen and find out what Psalm 96 says about proselytizing and what is your role in it.

Read Online: Psalm 96

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