Sermons from Cornerstone Church, a thriving congregation of the PCA nestled in the expanding Milwaukee suburb of Delafield. Cornerstone's vision is to impact the western suburbs for Christ by calling them to Realize their need for Christ, to Respond to God's call in worship, and to Relate the message of the gospel by Reaching out to Others.
Sunday, March 10, 2019
Whats Law Got To Do With It? Galatians 3:15-22
It is true that we cannot earn our righteousness through the law but by faith in Christ. What, therefore, is the purpose of the Law? Why should one obey or should one obey? What we’ll see this morning is that there is a problem with the law, but the law does have a purpose, and through the law we are able to receive blessing. So, we ‘ll ask, “What’s Law got to do with it?”